Tired of playing Cards Against Humanity? READ THIS.

I feel like it can’t just be me.

Cards Against Humanity was marginally fun when it first started.


A slew of spin-offs released. Game after game, it’s the same routine.

…And then here we are several years later.

I’ve noticed though, for bigger groups of people, there aren’t many great options for games.

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Just the other day, I was asked to bring some games to a party of six to eight people. I have a collection of several dozens of games and realized that many of them didn’t work with that amount of players.

Not only that, but I needed a game that would be quick, easy to learn, and inspire great dialogue among the group.

Then it hit me!

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Spellslingers was the perfect game for this situation.

It’s one of the situations it was designed for!

So of course, I decided to bring it, and I’m glad I did.

We had a wonderful time! :)

I also brought Codenames Pictures, because that game is fantastic.

Do you have any party games that you recommend? Have you played Spellslingers at a party before?

What was your experience? Send me your love to my email: vincentsbaker(at)gmail.com.

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Stay Awesome!
Vincent Baker